Sunday, August 18, 2013

Plant vs. Zombies 2

(Picture from the original version of the game)

I decided to make the first post on this blog about a pretty well known game. Plants vs. Zombies has been around for a long while, like in May 2009. It was pretty awesome, but after 4 years it got old. Popcap games has finally released the follow up. Plants vs. Zombies 2 was just released this month.

In Plants vs. Zombies (PvZ) 2, the game has gotten a very nice graphics update, new zombies, as well as new plants, different game modes (including some harder modes, for those of us who got bored just replaying the same levels), and, best of all, PvZ2 is freememium.

New Title Screen (It really is about time.) (from iPad)

The download is free, but so is all of the actual game play. You have options available to purchase certain types of plants, auto unlock levels, any buy coins. All of these options are unnecessary, and only serve to make the game easier.

(Actual gameplay photo)

(Photo from the phone version of the game)